Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Special Announcement

Kenneth Massey, whose computer rankings have been included in the BCS formula since 1999, also runs a statistical website known as the Ranking Comparison, which lists and compares different advanced statistical ranking systems from around the internet. In order to be included, a ranking system must use advanced statistical methods to calculate each team's position. As of this week, my rankings are among those included in the Ranking Comparison.

There is a link to the website here. There are several cool aspects to this website. Each team is ranked in order according to the average of all current ranking systems included, which is 44 this week. The ranking systems are ranked from left to right by how closely they correlate to the consensus, meaning the one on the far left matches most closely the average of all 44 different rankings. Mine currently appears closer to the right side, meaning that I see things quite differently from most, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It makes my system unique. Each system is also graded on its violation percentage near the bottom of the page, which refers to the percentage of games played in which the system ranks the loser ahead of the winner. While some systems strive to get this number down to 0, I believe that occasionally a team loses to an inferior opponent, so the number does not have to be right at zero. Mine is currently 10.7%, which is among the lower percentages overall.

Anyway, there is plenty to explore on this interesting website, especially if you are a stat nerd like I am. Enjoy looking around and checking out some of the other systems out there, and thank you to all of my readers who keep me motivated to continue doing this.

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